Guide for the selection of your watch of Capri island


It 's time to buy a watch of L'Ora di Capri but you are undecided about which model to choose? Read this brief guide will be of assistance! We assume that each model represents a place or symbol of the Island. Beyond the preference for a color or a particular design, it would be interesting to buy this watch for yourself or for someone special also on the basis of a personal significance that goes beyond the mere beauty of the object. If you want to buy this watch to consolidate your unbreakable bond with Capri the choice could fall on the "Island" or "Faraglioni" models. These are characterized by  lively colors, elegant sword-shaped silhouette of Capri or the legendary and iconic Faraglioni, precious dials the variegated colors that evoke undoubtedly the seabed of Capri. Who chooses these models intend to openly declare his love for the blue island and always carry a piece of this with him. If indecision is among one of the various animal symbols: Stella Marina, Sea Urchin, Blue Lizard or Octopus you could decide according to the meaning that each of these possesses. And it is interesting to discover how  into Western culture these animals are associated with certain characteristics: The Sea star: Is the symbol of the tenacious and patient people. But also of those who have a goal or a deeper purpose to pursue. Sea Urchin: Elegant and refined it is the symbol of those who possess a strong sense of self-defense. so emblematic of a strong personality. The Blue Lizard: Symbol of independent people, strong but discrete, derogatory exhibitionism. The Octopus: Symbol of loving people but also for those who adapt easily to all situations and who face life with a clear vision of reality being not influenced by the fashions of the moment and to the seller conformism of today. Our suggestion is therefore to choose your watch of Capri on the basis of sentimental value and matching to your character or to the one who will receive it! To discover each model available and the price of each watch of Capri available on our web site click here. Share this article with your friends who own at least one of these features!