24-03-2021 in Capri craftsmen stories ANTONIO PALOMBA AND HIS CAPRI ON CANVAS Antonio Palomba and his Capri on canvas. There are many artists who have tried to best represent the essence of Capri, to reproduce its beauty and its breathtaking views. Capri is known to be an island that lends itself particularly well as an artistic subject for painters who love the landscap... Read more
18-03-2021 in Capri craftsmen stories ART TRICOT, THE ANCIENT ART OF CAPRESE KNITWEAR Art Tricot, the ancient art of Caprese knitwear It was the 90s when Rita, daughter of an island artisan knitter, decided as a hobby to follow in her mother's footsteps and approached the art of Capri knitwear. After studying modeling and styling, she had the opportunity to get in touch with... Read more
03-02-2021 in Capri craftsmen stories SARTORIA DA GIGINO Sartoria da Gigino, was born in the 1950s on the island of Capri. These were the years of full excitement and the desire to return to travel after World War II. In fact, the island was frequented by international stars and important political figures during the summer. This small tailor's s... Read more
in Capri craftsmen stories A TALE OF AF PHOTO The Capri sandals born so. With great frenzy teachers hands and careless of fleeting glances of passersby and tourists intrigued handled leather and work tools to create the perfect combination of client's taste and substance. The idea to do it right, to create it, yes, this is probably the char... Read more
11-02-2021 in Capri craftsmen stories DA COSTANZO CAPRI, THE CAPRI SANDALS THAT MADE HISTORY Da Costanzo Capri, the Capri sandals that made history It was the 60s and a young Costanzo Ruocco, apprentice shoemaker and skilled craftsman decided to open his shop a few steps from the Piazzetta of Capri. Costanzo had started this profession at the age of 5 after World War II when the s... Read more